Supporting Diverse Faculty in STEM at the University of Denver
MERISTEM is working to recruit, hire, and retain faculty from groups that are historically excluded from STEM disciplines, including women, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those with intersectional identities. Through MERISTEM, a team across the University is taking action to change the climate and implement policies that support diversity in STEM, creating a more inclusive DU in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and across the university. This project has grown from other programs and initiatives campus-wide to promote diversity and inclusion. References and links to these efforts can be found throughout this site.
MERISTEM Areas of Focus
The Grow group trains hiring committees and addresses hiring practices in order to recruit and hire more faculty from historically excluded populations.
Learn MoreDevelop
The Develop group builds equity-informed mentoring practices to support historically excluded faculty (HEF) in reaching the milestones needed to advance their careers.
Learn MoreHeal
The Heal group improves the campus climate for HEF by establishing accountability and reporting processes to encourage equitable practices and address issues.
Learn More...the DU Community and Prospective Hires
We hope that our work in MERISTEM will create systemic change that impacts faculty, staff and students across the University. We also invite faculty and staff from any unit to join us in our efforts. Learn more about what DU is doing both within DU-MERISTEM and beyond to support equity.
… Press, Universities & Community Partners
Interested in learning more about how MERISTEM is working to make change at the University of Denver? We’re happy to share our work with the wider community.