Resources for Press, Universities & Community Partners

Underrepresentation of historically excluded faculty in STEM is a nationwide problem. Our work starts with the STEM departments at the University of Denver, and spreads from there. We are striving to be a catalyst for institution-wide change and to build upon other universities' successes. We also hope to share what we learn beyond DU to help other institutions that are seeking equity in STEM. Learn more about how you can connect with our project as a:

Universities & Community Partners

MERISTEM is funded by an NSF ADVANCE Grant. We are building upon what other universities have learned through their own NSF ADVANCE processes and sharing what we learn with other universities and organizations that have an interest in improving diversity in STEM.

Our program is on the Adapt track of NSF ADVANCE grants, meaning that we are taking strategies previous universities have found to be successful and working to adapt them to our specific context, the University of Denver. We've organized into three groups: Grow, which works on hiring and recruitment; Develop, our mentoring, retention, and promotion group; and Heal, a team dedicated to building accountability and creating a process for faculty to report incidents and work for change.

MERISTEM's Advance grant began January 2023. Along with our Grow, Develop, and Heal pages, which house resources and updates on the groups' work, we will post annual reports on the About page. In addition, MERISTEM plans to partner with Equity Labs, an organization that is working to build inclusive cultures across workplaces. With their support, we will share our research and findings in order to help institutions of all kinds take important steps toward a more equitable workplace.

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DU's Chamberlin Observatory


For press inquiries, please contact Dr. Nathan Willers, Director of Communications at the College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics.

Press Inquiries