Davor Balzar
Associate Professor; Chair, Physics and Astronomy
Physics Building, 2112 E. Wesley Ave. Denver, CO 80208
What I do
I am Associate Professor of Physics and Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy.Specialization(s)
condensed matter physics, material science, Crystalline Disorder.
Professional Affiliations
- American Physical Society
- American Association of Physics Teachers
- Materials Research Society
My research interests are mainly in studies of materials' properties by diffraction and computational methods. Materials currently of interest include photovoltaics and ferroelectrics.
Selected Publications:
- W. Wang, T. Wang, V. P. Amin, Y. Wang, A. Radhakrishnan, A. Davidson, S. R. Allen, T. J. Silva, H. Ohldag, D. Balzar, B. L. Zink, P. M. Haney, J. Q. Xiao, D. G. Cahill, V. O. Lorenz, X. Fan, Anomalous spin–orbit torques in magnetic single-layer films, Nature Nanotechnology (2019), doi.org/10.1038/s41565-019-0504-0
- Amani H. Alfaifi; Sean P. Dunfield; Ariel E. Hasse; Bryon W. Larson; Matthew O. Reese; Joe Berry; Maikel van Hest; Najm Alhosiny; Davor Balzar; Sean E. Shaheen, Investigating the effect of lamination on FAMACs: toward a new phase space of perovskite solar cell fabrication, SPIE Proceedings Volume 11094, Organic, Hybrid, and Perovskite Photovoltaics XX; 1109420 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2529904
- D. Wesenberg, T. Liu, D. Balzar, M. Wu, B. L. Zink, Long-distance spin transport in a disordered magnetic insulator, Nature Physics (2017), doi:10.1038/nphys4175
- D. Balzar, Coherency Strain and Dislocations in Copper-Rich-Precipitate Embrittled A710 Ferritic Steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43 (2012) 1462-1467. doi:10.1007/s11661-011-0827-4
- D. Apel, Ch. Genzel, M. Klaus, D. Balzar, Rietveld refinement of energy-dispersive synchrotron measurements, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 226 (2011) 934-943
- D. Balzar, P.A. Ramakrishnan, A.M. Hermann, Defect-Related Lattice Strain and the Transition Temperature in Ferroelectric Thin Films, Physical Review B 70 (2004) 92103
- D. Balzar, N. Audebrand, M. Daymond, A. Fitch, A. Hewat, J.I. Langford, A. Le Bail, D. Louër, O. Masson, C.N. McCowan, N.C. Popa, P.W. Stephens, B. Toby, Size-Strain Line-Broadening Analysis of the Ceria Round-Robin Sample, Journal of Applied Crystallography 37 (2004) 911-924. http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?S0021889804022551
- D. Balzar, H. Ledbetter, Voigt-Function Modeling in Fourier Analysis of Size- and Strain-Broadened X-ray Diffraction Peaks, Journal of Applied Crystallography 26 (1993) 97-103
Selected Publications:
- W. Wang, T. Wang, V. P. Amin, Y. Wang, A. Radhakrishnan, A. Davidson, S. R. Allen, T. J. Silva, H. Ohldag, D. Balzar, B. L. Zink, P. M. Haney, J. Q. Xiao, D. G. Cahill, V. O. Lorenz, X. Fan, Anomalous spin–orbit torques in magnetic single-layer films, Nature Nanotechnology (2019), doi.org/10.1038/s41565-019-0504-0
- Amani H. Alfaifi; Sean P. Dunfield; Ariel E. Hasse; Bryon W. Larson; Matthew O. Reese; Joe Berry; Maikel van Hest; Najm Alhosiny; Davor Balzar; Sean E. Shaheen, Investigating the effect of lamination on FAMACs: toward a new phase space of perovskite solar cell fabrication, SPIE Proceedings Volume 11094, Organic, Hybrid, and Perovskite Photovoltaics XX; 1109420 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2529904
- D. Wesenberg, T. Liu, D. Balzar, M. Wu, B. L. Zink, Long-distance spin transport in a disordered magnetic insulator, Nature Physics (2017), doi:10.1038/nphys4175
- D. Balzar, Coherency Strain and Dislocations in Copper-Rich-Precipitate Embrittled A710 Ferritic Steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43 (2012) 1462-1467. doi:10.1007/s11661-011-0827-4
- D. Apel, Ch. Genzel, M. Klaus, D. Balzar, Rietveld refinement of energy-dispersive synchrotron measurements, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 226 (2011) 934-943
- D. Balzar, P.A. Ramakrishnan, A.M. Hermann, Defect-Related Lattice Strain and the Transition Temperature in Ferroelectric Thin Films, Physical Review B 70 (2004) 92103
- D. Balzar, N. Audebrand, M. Daymond, A. Fitch, A. Hewat, J.I. Langford, A. Le Bail, D. Louër, O. Masson, C.N. McCowan, N.C. Popa, P.W. Stephens, B. Toby, Size-Strain Line-Broadening Analysis of the Ceria Round-Robin Sample, Journal of Applied Crystallography 37 (2004) 911-924. http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?S0021889804022551
- D. Balzar, H. Ledbetter, Voigt-Function Modeling in Fourier Analysis of Size- and Strain-Broadened X-ray Diffraction Peaks, Journal of Applied Crystallography 26 (1993) 97-103
Areas of Research
Synchrotron and Neutron Diffraction
Crystalline Disorder
Diffraction Line Broadening.
- Fellow, International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD)
- Faculty Service Award, University of Denver