The following content will guide new and seasoned science and mathematics faculty through central resources, governance, policies and procedures.
- Teaching and Classroom Resources
- College Faculty Governance (login required)
- College Staff Committees (login required)
- College Policies and Procedures
- DU Funding Sources
Teaching and Classroom Resources

MyDU is our secure portal for grades, course links, personal information, pay stubs, administrative processes, software downloads and more.

DU Canvas
Canvas is our learning-management system, providing a secure environment for online class materials.

Office 365
Office 365 includes email, video conferencing, cloud storage through OneDrive and the full suite of Microsoft Office products, including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote.

25Live/Room Reservations
25Live is our primary system for room reservations and requests. Group study rooms are accessible via a different system. Consult our reservation guide if you have questions.

IT Help Desk
Having a technical issue? Our computer help center offers support via phone, email, and walk-in for faculty, staff and students.

Campus Map & Parking
Orient yourself with your campus map, and access everything you need for parking. You can also explore alternative methods of transportation.
Natural Sciences and Mathematics Policies and Procedures

Human Resources and Inclusive Excellence
Access essential DU-wide forms and policies through our Human Resources & Inclusive Community website.

Overload Teaching Policy
This policy sets forth the limits relating to faculty teaching courses over the base load stipulated by their department and the dean’s office.

Sabbatical Leave
If you need to take time away from the University, we offer a streamlined application process.

Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
View university-wide policies and procedures as well as college-specific guidelines.

Academic Appeals
View the 2019-2020 DU Bulletin for information on academic exceptions, complaints, grievances and appeals.

Travel Request Form and Travel Abroad Policies
Travel Abroad policies are available on the Office of International Education website. Use Concur to submit requests for approval.

Lab Volunteer Participation Form
Download the release form for lab and field work participants.

Extended University Closure Policy
Department chairs develop plans to ensure students have an opportunity to complete their academic requirements off-site in the event of an extended closure of the University.

Teaching Buyout Policy
Download the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics policy on teaching buyouts. Requests are due no later than March 1 of the preceding academic year.
DU Funding Sources
Natural Sciences & Mathematics (NSM) Olin Faculty Development Grant
The Olin Faculty Development Grant assists NSM faculty in developing research, teaching and scholarship activities.
NSM/Marisco Visiting Scholar Program for Short-Term Faculty
This program supports visiting NSM faculty to provide undergraduate students with access to new divisional or departmental scholars.
Office of Teaching & Learning Grants
The Office of Teaching & Learning provides services and support for all DU faculty, including the "OneNewThing" grant, which offers short-term funding for new technology, teaching methods or assessment activities designed to improve the classroom experience.
Faculty Senate Grants
The Faculty Senate awards Faculty Research Fund grants to stimulate research, scholarship and creative activity.
Office of Internationalization Grants
The Office of Internationalization provides support for international endeavors such as research, professional development and the establishment of new partnerships through Internationalization Grants.
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Resources
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs provides general support for all DU faculty in identifying and applying for funding and managing the grant lifecycle.