We have a wealth of resources that can help you excel personally and academically as a part of our Natural Sciences & Mathematics research community. Whether you need information on classes, financial aid or graduate teaching/research assistant resources, we have you covered.
The Graduate Students of the Four Faculties work to assist DU's graduate student population with funding for conference expenses. They also work to ensure graduate students are able to voice their concerns to the greater DU community.
The College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics offers financial aid in the form of graduate teaching or research assistantships, dean's scholarships and fellowships. Some departments may offer other types of financial aid.
Graduate students can apply for grants and fellowships offered by different organizations that support research like the Graduate Students of the Four Faculties, but there are also external and internal funding possibilities that your department may have available.
The Office of Graduate Studies offers new student orientation before classes start. The College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics also offers orientation sessions geared specifically for students within the department. Students will be informed via email about these meetings.
The Veteran Services staff is the primary point of contact for any military- or veteran-related issues, concerns or questions. They are located in the Driscoll South building, room 3, directly below the bookstore and next to the Pioneer ID Card office. You can contact Mike Shay, Veteran Services Coordinator, or visit the Veteran Services website for more information.
Many of our graduate students find positions as graduate teaching assistants (GTAs), which provides them with a tuition waiver and living stipend. Explore the teaching assistant handbook to learn more. We also have an FAQ available.
The DU Research and Performance Summit examines the nature of disciplinary practices and the interdisciplinary practices that arise in the context of graduate student research. One of the benefits of presenting and attending the summit is finding out how many DU graduate students work within similar topics and research areas. This event takes place annually in April. Learn more.
The Department of Mathematics has a limited amount of funds to support students traveling to math events. They award up to $1,500 to undergraduate students and up to $4,000 to graduate students (as a group) every academic year.
Our Graduate Student Professional Development Grants (GSPDG) provide financial support for conference presentations, exhibitions and performances, thesis and dissertation-related expenses, and travel fares.
The Health and Counseling Center provides DU students with checkups and mental health services from certified professionals. Most services are free of charge for individuals covered by the DU health plan.
Go to the graduate admission application to submit your information. For information on admission requirements, visit the graduate academic programs page and locate your program of interest.