Matthew Taylor
303-871-2656 (Office)
Boettcher Center West, 2050 E. Iliff Ave. Denver, CO 80208
What I do
I conduct field-based research in Latin America in teams of international students and faculty. I teach what I research. That is, I teach classes that revolve around field-based research in Latin America. Soy un academico compremetido -- meaning that I am committed to the communities with whom I do research. This commitment spans decades of working with specific communities in Latin America to improve their lives. http://portfolio.du.edu/M.J.TaylorSpecialization(s)
Field research Latin America Human-environment relationships
Professional Biography
- Ph.D., Geography, Arizona State University, 2003
- MS, Geography, Louisiana State University, 1996
- BS, Geography & Spanish, Louisiana State University, 1993
Featured Publications
- William T. Driscoll 2013 Master Educator Award, University of Denver
- DU Public Good Fellow, The Center for Community Engagement & Service Learning, University of Denver