Equity & Racial Justice Committee
Comprised of faculty and staff who are committed to expanding and supporting equity and racial justice in the sciences at DU, the ERJ Committee is committed to fostering a welcoming academic environment to all students, faculty, and staff with their individual identities.
ERJ Initiatives
- Help develop and implement equitable and inclusive policies and practices within our recruitment, retention, advancement, engagement and training processes:
- Review current college practices
- Integrating best practices currently working within departmental groups or organizations
- Integrate what we learn to create an anti-racist culture. Understand that racism is supported and maintained within our institutional policies, cultural norms and values, as well as individual behaviors.
- Support projects that increase access to the scientific community and that help increase diversity in STEM fields.
Committee Members
Karen Escobar, NSM Staff
Jennifer Hoffman, Physics Faculty
Alex Huffman, Chemistry Faculty
Erika Trigoso Rubio, Chemistry Faculty
Kristin Andrud, Biology Lab Staff
Alvaro Arias, Mathematics Faculty
Randi Flageolle, Biology Staff
Kelly Flaherty, Mathematics Faculty
Angela Hebel, Biology Lab Staff
Erica Larson, Biology Faculty
Nic Ormes, Ex-officio, Associate Dean, Mathematics Faculty
Becky Powell, Geography Faculty
Robin Tinghitella, Biology Faculty
Nathan Willers, NSM Staff
Barry Zink, Physics Faculty
Mission Statement
The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics reaffirms its commitment to equity and inclusion and condemns racism against our communities of color who experience daily injustice and systemic barriers to full participation in the scientific community.
The Equity and Racial Justice Committee is committed to fostering a welcoming academic environment to all our students, staff and faculty with all their individual identities, including (but not limited) to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, class, language, culture, national origin, generation/age, ability, veteran status, documentation status, academic experience.
We recognize our responsibility to expand our educational opportunities to historically underrepresented groups and marginalized communities and propose ways to provide equitable access in our commitment to equity.
We recognize and incorporate all respectful and inclusive voices into our research and educational efforts and support all ideas that push ourselves and our scientific community forward.