Faculty and Staff Grants from June 2023

Congratulations to the following faculty and staff members who received grants and awards in June 2023:
Sunil Kumar, faculty at College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation
- Abstract: Alpha-Synuclein (aS) aggregation is a key pathophysiological event associated with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The process of aS aggregation leads to the degeneration of DA neurons, a pathological hallmark of PD. Modulation of aS aggregation is widely considered to be a promising potential therapeutic intervention for PD. Our lab has identified aS sequences that are essential for aS aggregation using foldamers. The study will enable the identification of novel foldamers as therapeutic leads for the treatment of PD.
Suzanne Delap, staff at the Butler Institute for Families
- Grant from the Marzano Research Laboratory
- Abstract: The Idaho ECCE needs assessment will highlight the early childhood needs of tribal communities within the state. This assessment will be part of a broader evaluation that will measure the state of childcare in Idaho, from available slots, to the families accessing care, to the needs of the workforce.
Rui Fan, faculty at the Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science
- Grant from Battelle National Labs (subaward Department of Energy)
- Abstract: DU will work with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to develop methods for optimally placing and controlling energy storage systems to damp inter-area oscillations.
Jonathan Moyer and Pam Hoberman, faculty at staff at the Pardee Center for International Futures
- Grant from the African Union Development Agency
- Abstract: This project will use the International Futures (IFs) modeling platform. IFs will support the development and validation of targets for the STYIP. First, analysis of the current path. Then Pardee will build a number of scenarios meant to represent a focus on different development priorities. Finally, these scenarios will be combined into an Ambitious Development scenario, modeling the result of a successful decade-long push for improvement across all aspects of development.

Ahmed Abdrabou, faculty at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies
- Grant from the Government of Japan
- Abstract: This abstract describes the U.S. and Japan Diplomacy Program (UJDP) that will combine experts in Japan's foreign and domestic policies with Korbel School of International Studies colleagues, researchers, and students. The overarching goal of this program is to strengthen U.S.-Japan relations by analyzing and assessing these relations through the lenses of scholars, diplomats, and other experts in foreign policy, security, trade, and Asian affairs in contemporary global politics.
Kaitlyn Sims, faculty at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies
- Grant from University of Wisconsin (subaward Department of Health and Human Services)
- Abstract: This project encompasses designing and implementing an evaluation program for the DCF Housing First pilot applications as well as collecting and analyzing data and preparing reports for key stakeholders on the effectiveness of various adaptations of the Housing First model.
Sheila Carter-Tod, faculty at College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Grant from the James and Alice B. Clark Foundation
- Abstract: Restricted.
Ali Azadani, faculty at Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science
- Grant from the American Heart Association
- Abstract: Restricted.