Colloquia and Seminars

Our department hosts regular guest lectures, colloquia and seminars showcasing research from visiting scholars, faculty and students.

Colloquia are usually held on Wednesdays from  4:00-5:00 p.m in-person in Olin 105

Next Talk

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 at 4:00 pm in Olin 105

First-Year Physics & Astronomy Graduate Student Presentations

Non-Local Spin Valves: A Key Component in Spintronics, Ian Ellis

Common Path Single-Shot Interferometry: A Modernized Method of Phase Recovery, Zoe Rafter

Super-resolution Localization with a Spiraling Vortex, Samantha Reynolds


Winter 2024 Schedule

  • May 29, Nonlinear Effects in Magnetic Systems: from Nano to Macro Scales, Dr. Dmytro Bozhko, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
  • May 22, First-year Physics & Astronomy Graduate Student Presentations, Ethan Cole and Nick Lam, University of Denver
  • May 16, Bridging the Geometric and Quantum Information of Structured Light, Drew Voitiv, University of Denver
  • April 17, Clickety-clack: a non-equilibrium model of cortical activity performs optimal inference, Dr. Jochen Braun, University of Magdeburg
  • January 17, Hybrid Magnonics Dr. Mathias Weiler, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau,

Past Speakers and Topics

  • Fall 2023
    • September 13, Faculty of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, A Research Overview
    • September 20, Metasurfaces, physics, and applications, Patrice Genevet, Colorado School of Mines
    • October 4, Sabbatical Sojourns: Navigating Research and Culture in Germany, Taiwan, and Japan, Xin Fan, University of Denver
    • October 11, Jennifer Hoffman, University of Denver
    • October 18, Jorge "Nico" Hernandez Charpak, APS Office of Science Policy
    • October 25, Khuloud Jaqaman, UT Southwestern
    • November 1, Emily Griffith, CU Boulder
    • November 8, Jifa Tian, University of Wyoming
    • November 15, Chip Durfee, Colorado School of Mines
  • Summer 2023
    • July 26: Dr. Manuel Vázquez (Spanish Council for Research, IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer) Host: Zink
    • August 3: Jhen-Yong Hong (Tamkang University) Host: Fan
    • August 15: Jochen Braun (Otto-von-Guericke University) Host: Ghosh
    • August 28: Geoff Diederich (University of Washington) Host: Siemens
  • Fall 2022
    • Sept. 7: (Special Time, Orientation week): Dr. Tiffany Santos (Western Digital Research Center, IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer) Host: Zink
    • Sept. 14: DU Physics & Astronomy Faculty Research Overview
    • Sept. 28: Prof. Angela Di Fulvio (University of Illinois/Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction) Host: Zink
    • Oct. 5: Prof. Jingsheng Chen (National University of Singapore, IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer) Host: Zink
    • Oct. 12: Prof. Steve Iona (University of Denver Physics & Astronomy) Host: Zink
    • Oct. 19: Prof. Michael Flatte (University of Iowa, IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer) Host: Zink
  • Spring 2022
    • Apr. 13: Prof. Roopali Kukreja, UC Davis Materials Science (Host: Zink)
    • June 23: Prof. Aurelien Manchon, Aix-Marseille University (Host: Zink)
  • Winter 2022
    • Jan. 12: Naomi Pequette, DU Physics & Astronomy (Host: Zink)
    • Jan. 26: Dr. Connie Li, Navy Research Lab (Host: Zink)
    • Feb. 16: Dr. Pankaj Jha, Caltech (Host: Zink)
    • Feb. 23: Dr. Mojammel Khan, Johns Hopkins University (Host: Zink)
    • Mar. 2: Dr. Yishu Wang, Johns Hopkins University (Host: Zink)
    • Mar. 9: Dr. Pavel Salev, UC San Diego (Host: Zink)
  • Fall 2021
    • Sept. 15: DU Physics & Astronomy Research Overview (Balzar, et al)
    • Sept. 22:  Prof. Steve Iona, DU Physics & Astronomy (Host: Zink)
    • Sept. 27: NOTE SPECIAL DAY AND TIME.  Joint Colloquium with Biology:  Prof. Sarah Bronwell, Arizona State University (Host: Loerke)
    • Oct. 13: Prof. Kathrin Spendier, UCCS Biophysics, (Host: Siemens)
    • Oct. 27: Dr. Shinsuke Ideguchi, Radboud University, Netherlands (VIRTUAL, Host: Hoffman)
    • Nov. 17: Prof. Vivek Aji, University of California, Riverside (VIRTUAL, Host: Ghosh)
  • Spring 2021
    • Mar. 31:  Dr. Kathryn Neugent, U. Washington/Lowell Observatory (Host: Hoffman)
    • Apr. 7: Dr. Qudsia Sara Quraishi, Adjunct Asst Professor, U Maryland (Host: Siemens)
    • May 12: Prof. Fred Gray, Regis University (Host: Stencel)
    • May 19:  Prof. Amy Roberts, CU Denver (Host: Cisneros)
    • May 26: DU P&A I2R students
    • Jun. 2: DU P&A I2R students
  • Winter 2021
    • Jan. 13:  No Colloquium 
    • Jan. 20: Prof. Barry Zink, University of Denver
    • Jan. 27: Dr. Sara Restuccia, Uni. Glasgow (Host: Siemens) NOTE SPECIAL TIME 10 am Denver time
    • Feb. 3:
    • Feb. 10:
    • Feb. 17: Prof. Kristen Buchanan, CSU (Host: Zink) 
    • Feb. 24: Dr. Nikos Kopidakis, NREL (Host: Ghosh)
    • Mar. 3: Dr. Chan La-o-vorakiat, Seagate Thailand (Host: Siemens)
    • Mar. 10: 
    • Mar. 17: Prof. Norm Buchanan, CSU (Host: Zink)
  • Fall 2020
    • Sept. 16: DU Physics & Astronomy Research Overview
    • Sept. 23: Prof. Banu Ozkan (Arizona State University. Host: Ghosh)
    • Oct. 1: Dr. Manisha Shrestha (Liverpool John Moores University. Host: Hoffman)
    • Oct. 7: Prof. Fred Sarazin (Colorado School of Mines, Physics. Host: Siemens)
    • Oct. 14:  Dr. Archana Soam (NASA Ames. Host: Hoffman)
    • Oct. 21: Prof. Yohannes Abate (University of Georgia. Host: Siemens)
    • Oct. 28: Prof. Alex Huffman (DU Chemistry. Host: Ghosh)
    • Nov. 4: Dr. Thienbao Nguyen Carpency, (US Air Force Academy. Host: Siemens)
    • Nov. 11: Prof. Galan Moody (UC Santa Barbara ECE. Host: Siemens)
    • Nov. 18: Prof. Jan Eldridge (University of Auckland. Host: Hoffman)
  • Fall 2019

    October 30
    Takahiro Moriyama, Division of Materials Chemistry, University of Tokyo

    October 23
    Johannes Löhner-Böttcher, High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research

    October 16
    Mark Steger, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

    October 9
    Vivek Amin, Electron Physics Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    October 5
    Mingzhong Wu, Department of Physics, Colorado State University

  • Spring 2019

    June 5
    Investigating New Methods to Improve Perovskite Solar Cells
    Amani Alfaifi, Doctoral Candidate, University of Denver

    May 29
    Multi-Generational Analysis and Manipulation of Chromosomes in Polyploid Cyanobacteria
    Jeffery Cameron, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, University of Colorado Boulder

    May 22
    Looking at Life through Randomness
    Susanta Sarkar, Assistant Professor of Physics
    Colorado School of Mines

    May 15
    Spintronics Metrology with Magnetic Oscillators
    Emilie Jué, Research Physicist
    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    May 1
    First-Year Graduate Student Research Presentations
    Sam Bleser – Spin Transport in Crystalline Si and Ge
    Leopoldo Hernandez – Spin Transport in a- Cr2O3
    Rachel Johnson – Shedding Polarized Light on Long-Duration Gamma Ray
    David Melnick – Imaging of Dust Shells: A Status
    Matt Natale – Thermoelectric Properties of Carbon Nanotube Networks
    Charles Payne – Vortices in Polariton Condensates

    April 17
    Engineering Exchange Interactions in Complex Oxide Systems
    Yayoi Takamura, Professor and Vice Chair of Materials Science and Engineering
    University of California, Davis
    Marsico Visiting Scholar

    April 16
    Revealing the Hidden Universe with Supercomputer Simulations of Black Hole Mergers
    Manuela Campanelli, Director
    Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation
    Rochester Institute of Technology

    April 10
    Diagnosing Light Pollution Sources: The Physics and Potential Remediation
    Robert Stencel, William Herschel Womble Astronomy Professor
    University of Denver
    Herbert Howe Lecture

    April 9
    Facilitating Thinking and Learning in and beyond the STEM Disciplines
    Chandralekha Singh, Director
    Discipline-Based Science Education Research Center, University of Pittsburgh

  • Winter 2019

    March 13
    Infrared Laser Technology: From Ultrafast Thulium Fiber Lasers to Mid-Infrared Vibrational Photothermal Imaging
    Michelle Sander, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Boston University

    Current-Induced Magnetization Control and Spin Transport in Ferromagnetic Heterostructures
    Can Onur Avci, Senior Postdoc
    ETH Zurich

    March 6
    Optical Study of the Fermi Liquid Behavior of a Sr2RuO4
    Will Holtzman, Undergraduate Student
    University of Denver

    Computational Study of Higgs and z-Bozon Decays
    Abigail Grotelueschen, Undergraduate Student
    University of Denver

    February 27
    From the Climate on Pluto to the Weather on I-70: Problems a Physicist Can Solve
    Dr. Angela Zalucha, Data Scientist
    Panasonic Automotive

    February 20
    Next-Generation Computational Imaging and Massively-Multiplexed Metrologies
    Daniel Adams, Assistant Professor of Physics
    Colorado School of Mines

    February 19
    Coupling of Light's Orbital Angular Momentum to a Quantum Dot Ensemble (Dissertation Defense)
    Alaa Bahamran, Graduate Research Assistant
    University of Denver

    February 15
    Quantitative Aspects of Interface Remodeling During Germband Extension (Dissertation Defense)
    Tim Vanderleest, Graduate Research Assistant
    University of Denver

    February 13
    Realizing the Volt in the Quantum SI
    Anna Fox, Quantum Electromagnetics Division
    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    February 6
    Adaptive and Nonlinear Optical Devices
    Juliet Gopinath, Associate Professor of Electrical Computer and Energy Engineering
    University of Colorado Boulder

    January 30
    Alien Worlds Transiting the Closest Stars in the Sky
    Zachory Berta-Thompson,  Assistant Professor of Astronomy and Planetary Sciences
    University of Colorado Boulder

    January 23
    Resistance Is Not Futile: Pinning Down Elusive Vortices in Superconductors
    Serena Eley, Assistant Professor of Physics
    Colorado School of Mines

    January 16
    Metamorphosis: New Views of Supernovae and Progenitors
    Jennifer Hoffman, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy
    University of Denver 

  • Fall 2018

    November 14
    Bringing the Microscope to the Mouse
    Emily Gibson, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering
    University of Colorado Denver

    November 7
    Analytical Methods in the Geosciences: Developing a Geochemical Model for the Highest-Grade Uranium Deposit in the World
    John DeDecker, PhD Candidate
    Colorado School of Mines

    October 31
    The Science of WFIRST: And Upcoming NASA Flagship Observatory
    Sarah Lipscy, OMPS Deputy Program Manager and Instrument Scientist
    Ball Aerospace

    October 24
    Single Flux Quantum-Based Neuromorphic Computing
    Michael Schneider, Physicist
    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    October 17
    Highly-Relativistic Ultrashort Pulse Laser Interaction with Nanostructures: X-Ray and Neutron Generation
    Jorge Rocca, University Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Colorado State University

    October 10
    Dinah Loerke, Associate Professor of Biophysics
    University of Denver

    September 26
    Magnetic Nanostructures for Information Storage and Processing
    Dan Read, Senior Lecturer, Condensed Matter and Photonics Group
    Cardiff University School of Physics and Astronomy

    September 19
    Shedding Light on Quantum Turbulence
    Sam Alperin, Graduate Student
    University of Denver/Cambridge University

    September 12
    Research Overview
    DU Department of Physics and Astronomy faculty


June 1


July 1

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