Remembering Dr. Robert Amme, Physics Scholar

Bob Amme re-establishing the data link between the Mt. Evans Observatory and Physics Building, at the Mt. Evans summit, January 1995.
The College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics at DU sadly reports the passing of Dr. Robert C. Amme, noted faculty member in the Department of Physics & Astronomy, on May 19, 2022 at the age of 92.
Dr. Amme started at DU in 1959, and gave over 60 years of service to the University. He served in many roles, starting with his faculty position in the Physics Department, which he held throughout his time with DU.
Starting in 1975, Bob became acting dean of DU’s College of Arts and Sciences, and in 1976, he was appointed dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and director of the Academic Research Center. He was chair of the Department of Physics 1980-1985 and briefly served as acting chair of Engineering in 1983-84. He retired as Professor of Physics in 2000 but stayed as a research professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy until his death.
With many publications and an expansive research agenda, Bob was also an active member of several professional organizations, including a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and member of the American Nuclear Society, American Association of Physics Teachers, and Society of Sigma Xi—amongst others.
Fondly remembered by colleagues, his best friend, Engineering Professor Emeritus, Paul Predecki, noted, “His life was marked by unselfish devotion to his academic profession, always placing the needs of students first in his work. On a personal note, I will miss him a lot as a good friend and colleague of many years and as a fellow adventurer in the Colorado high country.”
Bob had six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, and is survived by his daughter, Dianne. He was predeceased by his wife, Jan Amme, and his son David Amme. Services will be held later in the summer.

Bob Amme riding on Mt. Evans.