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Evaluating Transit-Oriented Development in Denver

We analyze patterns, processes and impacts of transit-oriented development (TOD) for rail transit corridors in the Denver Regional Transportation District.

Relevant Publications:

Goetz, Andrew R. 2019. Effects of TOD in Denver, Colorado, USA. In Knowles, R. and Ferbrache, F. (eds) Transit Oriented Development and Sustainable Cities: Economics, Community and Methods. Transport, Mobilities and Spatial Change Book Series. Edward Elgar. 

Goetz, Andrew R. and Eric Boschmann. 2018. Metropolitan Denver: Growth and Change in the Mile-High City. Metropolitan Portraits series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Bhattacharjee, S. and Goetz A.R. 2016. The rail transit system and land use change in the Denver metro region. Journal of Transport Geography 54: 440-450.

Kwoka, Greg, Eric Boschmann, and Andrew Goetz. 2015. The impact of transit station areas on the travel behaviors of workers in Denver, Colorado. Transportation Research Part A 80: 277-287.

Ratner, Keith A. and Andrew R. Goetz. 2013. The Reshaping of Land Use and Urban Form in Denver through Transit-Oriented Development. Cities 30: 31-46. 

Goetz, Andrew R. 2013. Suburban Sprawl or Urban Centres: Tensions and Contradictions of Smart Growth Approaches in Denver, Colorado. Urban Studies 50 (11): 2178-2195.  DOI: 10.1177/0042098013478238