Colloquia and Seminars
We host several regular research seminars throughout the academic year. On this page, you will find announcement for the seminars, as well as a list of past seminars. Please email the organizer of any seminar with any questions or talk requests.
Graduate Colloquium
The Graduate Colloquium is organized by Dr. Sujoy Mukherjee and Dr. Rodrigo Ribeiro.
3/14/2025, 2pm, CMK 309
Puttipong Pongtanapaisan (Arizona State University)
Organizing the Space of Colorings of Knotted Shapes
Abstract: Deciding whether one shape can be smoothly deformed into another is often challenging. A powerful approach to this problem involves coloring a diagram of a knotted shape according to algebraic rules that remain consistent under smooth deformations. In this talk, we introduce an invariant called the quandle coloring quiver, which not only counts valid colorings but also tracks how different colorings relate to one another. This additional structure captures subtleties that the mere count of colorings (the coloring number) can miss. In particular, we present examples of knotted shapes with the same number of valid colorings that are nevertheless distinguished by their coloring quivers, illustrating that this new invariant is strictly stronger than the traditional coloring number.
Past Colloquia
11/15/2024, 2pm, CMK 309
Colva Roney-Dougal (University of St Andrews, UK)
The number and nature of subgroups of the symmetric groups11/08/2024, 2pm, CMK 309
Micah Chrisman (Ohio State University)
Lie Superalgebras and Virtual Knot Invariants10/25/2024, 2pm, CMK 309
Harpreet Bedi (Alfred University)
A Modulo p equivalence of categories10/04/2024, 2pm, CMK 309
Padi Fuster (CU, Boulder)
The restriction of the Laplacian operator on manifolds09/13/2024, 2pm, CMK 309
Ales Drapal (Charles University)
Constructions of maximally nonassociative quasigroups (Solution to a problem that was open for 40 years)05/10/2024, 2pm, CMK 309
Noelia Rizo (University of Valencia)
Exploring Brauer's legacy: an overview of character theory problems05/03/2024
Wesley Fussner (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Towards a Systematic Theory of Amalgamation04/26/2024
2024 Richard N. Ball Scholarly Lectures (part 1)
Evans Hedges: Equilibrium States and Topological Pressure - An overview of important questions in Dynamical Systems and Thermodynamic Formalism
Kempton Albee: A recipe for Canonical Formulas in Substructural Logics04/12/2024
Rhea Palak Bakshi (ETH Zurich)
Skein Theory and Quantum Invariants of 3-manifolds03/01/2024
Justin Lynd (University of Louisiana, Lafayette)
p-local finite groups01/26/2024
Cigole Thomas (Colorado State University)
Dynamics on Character Varieties over Finite Fields11/17/2023
Darren Creutz (US Naval Academy)
Actions of lattices in higher-rank semisimple Lie groups11/03/2023
Dylene Agda Souza de Barros (Federal University of Uberlandia)
Half-automorpshism of Bol loops10/13/2023
Rodrigo Ribeiro (University of Denver)
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Network Analysis: A Confluence of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics03/20/2022
Nick Galatos (University of Denver)
Dropping inverses in lattice-ordered groups03/11/2022
Vidit Nanda (University of Oxford)
Path signatures in topology, dynamics and data02/18/2022
Joshua Loftus (London School of Economics)
Fair algorithms and causal models02/04/2022
John Baez (University of California, Riverside)
Schur Functors01/28/2022
David Bressoud (Macalester College)
Calculus Reordered: A History of the Big Ideas11/12/2021
Antun Milas (SUNY Albany)
Introduction to vertex algebras from a number theoretic viewpoint10/28/2021
Ronnie Pavlov (University of Denver)
How I learned to stop worrying and love the group: some unexpected connections between symbolic dynamics and geometric group theory04/23/2021
Robert Osburn (University College Dublin)
From knots to modularity03/05/2021
Victor Gurarie (University of Boulder)
Logarithms in conformal field theories and indecomposable representations of superalgebras02/26/2021
Ed Chien (Boston University)
Applications of vector field topology in surface and volume meshing02/05/2021
Ken Alexander (University of Southern California)
Geodesics, bigeodesics, and coalescence in first passage percolation01/22/2021
Zahra Aminzare (University of Iowa)
Synchronization properties in complex networks11/06/2020
Julia Plavnik (Indiana University)
On the classification of modular categories10/30/2020
Thomas French (University of Denver)
Arrow's Theorem and Voting10/09/2020
Abhijit Champanerkar (College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center at The City University of New York)
Graphs, growth and geometry09/25/2020
Farai Nyabadza (University of Johannesburg)
Mathematical models versus reality! The case of COVID-19 modelling in South Africa01/24/2020
Alejandro Ginory (Rutgers University)
Double Affine Weyl Groups and Fusion Algebras for Affine Lie Algebras11/15/2019
Yiqing Geng (University of Denver)
Introduction to rotation theory11/08/2019
Patricia Hickman (University of Denver)
Resumes + CV’s That Get Results!10/25/2019
Nick Galatos (University of Denver)
Binary relations on partially-ordered sets10/18/2019
Stan Gudder (University of Denver) Quantum Entanglement05/24/2019
Piotr Hajac (CU Boulder / IMPAN)
Operator Algebras that one can see05/24/2019
George E. Andrews (Pennsylvania State University)
The Method of 4-Shadows05/17/2019
Gavin St. John (University of Denver)
PhD Dissertation Defense: Decidability for residuated lattices and substructural logics05/10/2019
Ziqin Feng (Auburn University)
Tukey Order, Small Cardinals, and Off-diagonal Metrization04/26/2019
Adam Blumenthal (Iowa State University)
Decomposing Graphs into Edges and Triangles04/19/2019
Mariusz Tobolski (IMPAN)
A locally trivial talk04/05/2019
Rebecca Coulson (West Point)
Finite constraint: A combinatorial concept with Ramsey theoretic applications
Algebra and Logic Seminar
The Algebra and Logic Seminar is organized by Dr. Fei Qi.
3/14/2025, 10am, CMK 211
Lucas Ruhstorfer (University of Wuppertal)
Towards the inductive Galois-McKay condition
Abstract: The McKay conjecture is an important conjecture in the representation theory of finite groups which claims that for any prime p there exists a bijection between the set of irreducible characters of p'-degree of a finite group and its normalizer of a Sylow p-subgroup. The Galois-McKay conjecture claims that this bijection can be chosen to be equivariant under the action of certain Galois automorphisms.
Similar to the McKay conjecture, the verification of this refinement has been reduced to a condition on quasi-simple groups, the so called inductive Galois-McKay conditions. I will introduce these inductive conditions and present some recent progress on their verification in particular for finite groups of Lie type A.
Past Algebra and Logic Seminars
2/14/2025, 10am, CMK 211
Filip Jankovec (Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences)
On some prominent expansions of Abelian logic2/7/2025, 2pm, CMK 309
John McHugh (University of Denver)
Extending the tensor product of bisets and bimodules1/31/2025, 9am
Antonio Malheiro (Nova University of Lisbon)
Quasicrystals and the Expansion of Crystal Bases into New Algebraic Frameworks11/01/2024, 9am (remotely)
Hao Zhang (Tsinghua University)
The sewing-factorization theorem and pseudotraces for $C_2$-cofinite VOAs04/26/2024
Arvind Ayyer (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru)
The inhomogeneous multispecies PushTASEP and Macdonald polynomials04/19/2024
Simon Santschi (University of Bern)
Equational theories of idempotent semifields03/08/2024
Sonia Petschick (University of Wuppertal)
The Galois-McKay Conjecture and the Characters of Sylow Normalizers in Special Linear Groups11/17/2023
Dylene Agda Souza de Barros (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia)
Moufang Permutations10/03/2023
Layla Sorkatti (Southern Illinois University)
Symplectic Alternating Algebras10/20/2023
Charlotte Aten (University of Denver)
Monoid representations and partitions10/13/2023
Semin Yoo (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Improved upper bounds for the largest size of Diophantine tuples09/15/2023, 09/22/2023 and 10/06/2023
Fei Qi (University of Denver)
Cohomology theory of vertex algebras (I Overview, II, Formulations, III Extensions)06/02/2023
Gavin St. John (University of Salerno)
Residuated ortholattices and orthomodular quantum logic05/26/2023
Sara Ugolini (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of the Spanish National Research Council)
Structural and universal completeness in quasivarieties of logic05/19/2023
Shunsuke Tsuchioka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
A vertex operator reformulation of the Kanade-Russell conjecture modulo 902/24/2022
Jósef H. Przytycki (The George Washington University)
From Fox coloring to Yang-Baxter homology02/17/2022
Valeria de Paiva (Topos Institute)
Dialectica Comonoids01/20/2023
Uhi Rinn Suh (National Seoul University)
Structure of classical supersymmetric (SUSY) W-algebras10/07/2022
Fei Qi (University of Denver)
Integer partitions and characters of Lie algebra representations09/23/2022
Charlotte Aten (University of Denver)
A conjecture regarding covariant derivatives of eigenfunctions along parallel tensors fields over a space form05/20/2022
Jehanne Dousse (Universite de Lyon)
Integer partitions and characters of Lie algebra representations04/29/2022
Gaywalee Yamskulna (Illinois State University)
On $\mathbb{N}$-graded vertex algebras associated with vertex algebroids that are cyclic Leibniz algebras02/26/2022
Ali Uncu (University of Bath)
Reflecting (on) the modulo 9 Kanade--Russell (conjectural) identities11/18/2021
Matt Szczesny (Boston University)
Heterotic sigma models via BV quantization and formal geometry11/5/2021
Qing Wang (Xiamen University)
The structure of parafermion vertex operator algebras10/28/2021
Cuipo Jiang (Shanghai Jia Tong University)
Varieties associated to affine vertex operator algebras $L_{k}(sl_3)$ at non-admissible levels10/21/2021
Shashank Kanade (University of Denver)
How I learned to stop being scared and love the Bailey machinery10/15/2021
Jethro van Ekeren (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
Chiral homology of elliptic curves>10/08/2021
Yuly Billig (Carleton University)
Representations of the Determinant Lie Algebra10/01/2021
Xuanzhong Dai (Fudan)
Chiral De Rham Complex on the Upper Half Plane and Modular Forms09/24/2021
Josh Sussan (CUNY Medgar Evers)
Quantum topology and categorification05/07/2021
Huafeng Zhang (Université de Lille)
Shifted Yangians and polynomial R-matrices11/20/2020
Evgeny Mukhin (IUPUI)
The evasive affine Gaudin model10/30/2020
Flor Orosz Hunziker (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Tensor Categories arising from the Virasoro algebra10/23/2020
Hao Li (SUNY Albany)
Vertex Algebras and Infinite Jet Algebras10/16/2020
Kang Lu (University of Denver)
Gaudin model, Feigin-Frenkel center, and Grassmannian10/9/2020
Eric Bucher (Michigan State University)
An introduction to cluster algebras and their applications01/24/2020
Rehana Patel (African Institute for Mathematical Sciences-Senegal)
Stable Hypergraph Regularity01/14/2020
Victoria Gitman (CUNY)
Ramsey-like cardinals11/08/2019
Kaiyun Wang (Shaanxi Normal University)
Big Ramsey degrees in universal profinite ordered k-clique free graphs11/01/2019
Nick Galatos (University of Denver)
Heyting residuated lattices10/18/2019 and 10/25/2019
David Milovich (Welkin Sciences at Colorado Springs)
Higher amalgation of algebraic structures05/17/2019
David Ridout (University of Melbourne)
Simple weight modules with finite-dimensional weight spaces05/10/2019
Andrew Owens (Auburn University)
Rainbow-Cycle-Forbidding Edge Colorings04/26/2019
Kaiyun Wang
Irreducible convergence and irreducibly order-convergence in T_0 spaces04/05/2019
Tomas Prochazka (University of Munich, Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics)
W-algebras and integrability02/08/2019 and 02/01/2019
Michael Kinyon (University of Denver)
Inner Partial Automorphisms of Inverse Semigroups I, II01/25/2019 and 01/18/2019
Ales Drapal (Charles University)
Near-fields, double transitivity and quasigroups I, II11/16/2018 and 11/09/2018 and 11/02/20187
Natasha Dobrinen (University of Denver)
Introduction to infinitary Ramsey theory I, II, III
Analysis and Dynamics Seminar
The Analysis and Dynamics Seminar is organized by Dr. Mei Yin.
3/14/2025 (remotely), 10-11am
Torin Greenwood (North Dakota State University)
Coloring the integers while avoiding monochromatic arithmetic progressions
Abstract: Consider coloring the positive integers either red or blue one at a time in order. Van der Waerden's classical theorem states that no matter how you color the integers, you will eventually have k equally spaced integers all colored the same for any k. But, how can we minimize the number of times k equally spaced integers are colored the same? Even for k = 3, this question is unsolved. We will discuss progress towards proving an existing conjecture by leveraging a connection to coloring the continuous interval [0,1]. Our strategy relies on identifying classes of colorings with permutations and then using mixed integer linear programming. Joint work with Jonathan Kariv and Noah Williams.
Past Analysis and Dynamics Seminars
2/28/2025 (remotely), 10-11am
Catherine Yan (Texas A&M)
Vector Parking Functions with Periodic Boundary2/7/2025 (remotely), 10-11am
Frank den Hollander (Leiden University)
The Friendship Paradox for Social Networks1/24/2025 (remotely), 10-11am
Kimberly Hadaway (Iowa State University)
Interval Generalizations of Parking Functions10/11/2024 (remotely), 10-11am
Sarah Jane Selkirk (University of Warwick)
Directed lattice paths with negative boundary09/27/2024 (remotely)
Jessica Striker (North Dakota State University)
Enumeration and dynamics on interval-closed sets05/03/2024 (remotely)
Darij Grinberg (Drexel University)
The Redei–Berge symmetric function of a directed graph04/19/2024 (remotely)
Tom Alberts (University of Utah)
Loewner Dynamics of the Multiple SLE(0) Process04/05/2024
Stephan Wagner (Graz University of Technology / Uppsala University)
Subtrees of graphs03/22/2024
Tom Roby (University of Connecticut)
An action-packed introduction to homomesy03/15/2024
Li-An Chen (Boise State University)
Permutation resemblance: an integer programming approach03/01/2024
Darren Creutz (United States Naval Academy)
Actions of Lattices in Semisimple Lie Groups02/23/2024
Nate Eldredge (University of Northern Colorado)
Null sets in infinite-dimensional groups02/02/2024
Sanjay Ramassamy (CNRS & Université Paris-Saclay)
Integrable dynamics on polygons and the dimer integrable system11/03/2023
Anh Le (University of Denver)
Interpolation sets for dynamical systems10/27/2023
Clément Requilé (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
Asymptotic study of chordal graphs with bounded tree-width10/13/2023
Clemens Heuberger (University of Klagenfurt)
The distribution of the maximum protection number in simply generated trees02/25/2022
Sumit Mukherjee (Columbia University)
Asymptotic distribution of quadratic forms02/18/2022
Zhongyang Li (University of Connecticut)
Planar site percolation02/11/2022
Amber L. Puha (California State University San Marcos)
Scaling Limits for Shortest Remaining Processing Time Queues11/18/2021
Hans Koch (University of Texas at Austin)
Asymptotic scaling and universality for skew products with factors in SL(2,R)10/01/2021
William G. Faris (University of Arizona)
Two Theories of Integration09/24/2021
Peter Hislop (University of Kentucky)
An overview of eigenvalue statistics for random Schrödinger operators and random band matrices05/28/2021
Robert Sims (University of Arizona)
Stability of the Bulk Gap04/30/2021
Hanbaek Lyu (University of California, Los Angeles)
Scaling limit of soliton statistics of a multicolor box-ball system04/02/2021
Roland Roeder (Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis)
The 3 Gaps Theorem, the Boshernitzan-Dyson Theorem, frequencies, and applications03/19/2021
Sabine Jansen (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Trees, functional inversion and the virial expansion02/26/2021
Yizao Wang (University of Cincinnati)
Limit fluctuations for density of asymmetric simple exclusion processes with open boundaries02/05/2021
Christian Sadel (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Radial Transfer matrices for higher dimensional graphs and absolutely continuous spectrum01/22/2021
AWM 50th Aniversary Lecture
Margaret Beck (Boston University)
Stability and counting unstable eigenvalues10/30/2020
Chris Marx (Oberlin College)
Parameter dependence of the density of states for Schrödinger operators10/16/2020
Aernout van Enter (University of Groningen)
One-sided versus two-sided stochastic processes09/25/2020
Richard Kenyon (Yale University)
Gradient variational problems02/07/2020
Scott Schmieding (University of Denver)
Automorphisms of symbolic systems11/08/2019 and 11/15/2019
Stan Gudder (University of Denver)
Naimark Dialation Theorem11/01/2019 and 10/25/2019
Sara Andrade (University of Denver)
Beyond Orthonormal bases: an introduction to finite frames I, II10/18/2019
Geraldo de Souza (Auburn University)
The special atom space, Haar System and Wavelet in higher dimensions09/20/2019
Robert Niemeyer (Metro State, Denver)
Fractal Billiard05/31/2019
Javier Alejandro Chavez Dominguez (University of Oklahoma)
Isoperimetric and Sobolev inequalities for magnetic graphs05/24/2019
Piotr M. Hajac (CU Boulder / IMPAN)
Pullbacks of graph C*-algebras from admissible intersections of graphs05/17/2019
Paul Horn (University of Denver)
Solutions to Variational Inequalities on Graphs05/03/2019 and 05/10/2019
Ronnie Pavlov (University of Denver)
Subshifts of linear complexity I, II04/19/2019 and 04/26/2019
Natasha Dobrinen (University of Denver)
Ramsey Theory on trees and applications to infinite graphs I, II04/12/2019
Marco Nathan (University of Denver, Department of Philosophy)
Mathematics, science, and philosophy03/01/2019
Patrick Shipman (Colorado State)
Counterdiffusion in Biological and Atmospheric Systems01/18/2019, 01/25/2019 and 02/01/2019
Jim Hagler (University of Denver)
An Application of Descriptive Set Theory to Banach Space Theory I, II, III10/26/2018
Andrew Schnackenberg (University of Denver, Department of Management)
Making qualitative data quantitative: An overview of content analysis10/19/2018
Wen Zhou (Colorado State)
Estimation and Inference of Heteroskedasticity Models with Latent Semiparametric Factors for Multivariate Time Series10/12/2018
Valentin Deaconu (University of Nevada)
Symmetries of Cuntz-Pimsner algebras09/21/2018 and 10/05/2018
Ryan DeMuse (University of Denver)
Exponential Random Graph Models
Inclusive Teaching Seminar
The Inclusive Teaching Seminar is organized by Dr. Sara Botelho-Andrade and Dr. Sabine Lang.
Past Inclusive Teaching Seminars
(Coming soon.)
Other Seminars
The department holds various additional seminars which may not be offered regularly. Please contact the organizer(s) or follow the provided link of any seminar you wish to attend for further information.
- Non-Classical Logic Seminar, Nick Galatos (organizer),
- Rocky Mountain Representation Theory Seminar, Andrew Linshaw (organizer),
- Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Seminar, Alvaro Arias (organizer), currently meeting Mondays 4-5pm