
Check back often for the most current news out of DU's math department.

Departmental Updates

  • Prof. Ronnie Pavlov is an invited speaker at the conference Perspectives on Ergodic Theory and its Interactions in Warsaw, June 23-27, 2025.
  • Two math faculty received awards from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics this year: Ellie Dannenberg for outstanding teaching, and Mandi Schaeffer Fry for outstanding research. Congratulations!
  • Prof. Shashank Kanade was quoted in a Quanta Magazine article on Ramanujan.
  • The third edition of Directed Reading at DU Math will run through Winter 2025 and Spring 2025 quarters. Students can apply here.
  • A new degree Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Concentration in Artificial Intelligence has been approved and is now offered by the department.
  • Congratulations to newly promoted faculty: Paul Horn (professor), Mandi Schaeffer Fry (associate professor with tenure), Mei Yin (professor).
  • Congratulations to Mandi Schaeffer Fry on the paper Gunter Malle, Gabriel Navarro, A. A. Schaeffer Fry, Pham Huu Tiep: Brauer’s Height Zero Conjecture being accepted to Annals of Mathematics.
  • Please join us for the inaugural Richard N. Ball Scholarly Lectures that will take place in April and May, starting on April 26, 2pm in CMK 309. This is a lecture series for graduate student presenters in the middle portion of their graduate career. All speakers will receive a honorarium and a special award will be given to the top presenter.
  • The Groups, nilpotence and tensors II conference takes place at DU on 3/2/2024. The conference is organized by Mandi Schaeffer Fry and Petr Vojtechovsky.


We publish the departmental newsletter twice per year.